Trabzon is one of the most prominent health centers of Turkey in the fields of health and biotechnology with its hospitals, health care personnel, entrepreneurs, nature and fauna.
There are 13 State Hospitals, 3 Private Hospitals and 1 University Hospital in Trabzon.
1,4% of doctors and 1,5% of medical personnel of Turkey are in Trabzon.
Trabzon is 1,5 times above of Turkey average with 4,15 beds per 1000 people.
Biotechnology has a privileged place within incentive system.
Trabzon is in top 10 cities in terms of health Tourism in Turkey.
KTÜ Medical School provides high-quality health care service with its 1.500 students, 200 graduates every year, more than 70 foreign students and more than 210 academic staff.
Public, private and university hospitals provide service to both our own citizens and patients from nearby and neighboring countries.
Biotechnology is within prioritized sectors for TUBİTAK and KOSGEB, and projects are supported within the scope of grant programs. In addition, medical devices and drug development investment of 1 million TL are within the prioritized investment projects within the scope of Ministry of Economy grants.
900-beds health complex on 350.000 m2 area is currently being constructed.
Thanks to Trabzon Innovation and Biotechnology Center Project, the region’s development will be supported in the field of biotechnology.
According to bio-diversity inventory studies, there are 3.500 species growing naturally.
While there are only 1,11 plant species per 100km² area, it is 4 plant species per 100km² in our region.
514 of the current plants are endemic, and 428 of the endemic species are rare, and 300 of those are rare in Turkey.
Trabzon trains qualified workforce for the sector with more than 800 graduates from engineering and science schools.